Holman House Peach Pie

by Marilyn Jones


Crust-- 1 cup flour- 1/2 c. margarine
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Glaze-10 oz. seven-up- 1 c. sugar
4 Tbls.cornstarch
2 Tbs. peach jello
Ing.-1- 8 oz. cream cheese (softened)
1 c. powdered sugar
8 oz. cool whip
3 or 4 sliced fresh peaches


Blend together flour, margarine.,&pecans.Press in pie pan, bake 350* for 10 min.Cool.Mix 7up,sugar,cornstarch,&jello cook 5 min. or until thick.Cool.Mix cream cheese, powdered sugar, cool whip and put in crust.Mix peaches with glaze & put on top of cheese mixture. Refrigerate until ready to serve.